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Landes film commission

Home / Commissions-du-film / Landes film commission

With a rich potential in terms of natural settings and professional resources, the Landes Department has a dynamic and ambitious policy in favor of cinema and audiovisual: support for the production and writing of film and audiovisual projects.

This significant policy is based on an agreement signed between the State, the CNC, the New Aquitaine Region and the Department of Landes.

After conducting a study in 2016 on the attractiveness of the Landes territory in the audiovisual and film industry, and working on its prefiguration in 2017, the Landes Departmental Council opened its filming reception office on January 2, 2018.

The Bureau d’Accueil de Tournages is directly linked to the departmental support fund for production: it approaches and detects interesting productions, accompanies the preparation of shoots upstream and then downstream with the host communities. It is involved in the promotion of films supported and hosted in the Landes in collaboration with the network of local cinemas. It plays a fundamental role in image education by encouraging the organization of public visits, particularly for young people, to film shoots, alongside the association Du Cinéma Plein mon Cartable, a departmental image education operator.

Moreover, the BAT deals with the policy of support to the writing: residence of writing “La Maison Bleue” in Contis-plage.

This support is dedicated today to authors and scriptwriters writing their 1st or 2nd feature film, TV fiction/platform and series. The stay is organized over a month of writing residency in a quiet and inspiring setting in two 15-day sessions in the fall and spring. The objective is to welcome authors with different stages of their writing project by giving them the means to finalize it by proposing a specific accompaniment of the Bureau d’accueil des tournages on the settings and the location scouting in the department.

The main missions of the BAT revolve around an inventory of sets, actors, human and material resources in the Landes. They also provide technical support for filming projects to productions and host communities, and promote the potential of the Landes to film and audiovisual professionals.

Contact details

1 avenue de la gare

40100 Dax

+33 (0)7 61 75 97 71


Franck Delpech

Responsable du Bureau d'accueil des tournages

Maiana Bidegain

Chargée de mission au Bureau d'accueil des tournages des Landes

Anaïs Coussau

Assistante au Bureau d'accueil des tournages des Landes

Château, Parleboscq

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