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More than 21 000 french locations

French locations database

France enjoys a breath-taking range of locations, from natural landscapes to iconic monuments.

Film France CNC has developed, along with its network of local film commissions a free national database with over 20,000 filming locations all over France and its overseas territories.

A free professional account gives you immediate access to :

  • More locations
  • More pictures
  • Contacts
  • Logistical and technical information
  • Possibility to simply create locations portfolios even before going on location

You may also contact us for suggestions of locations based on your scenario, on a list of locations (landscapes, natural heritage, monuments, etc.) or on the types of visual atmosphere you are seeking.

The Word in France

The whole world is available on French territory. There are many locations in France that can take you on a trip around the globe. All five continents can be filmed across French regions, let’s find your perfect spot!