Dealing with rape, sexual harassment, gender-based and sexual violence, and any form of control is one of the key measures of the plan announced by the Ministry of Culture at the “Conference on parity, equality and diversity in Cinema” in 2019.
Conditionality of CNC subsidies
Since 2021, the CNC’s subsidies are conditional on the compliance of companies that apply for them with specific obligations regarding the prevention and detection of sexual harassment, including a training course on gender and sexual violence.
In France, over 3000 professionals are trained against sexist and sexual violence, and we have intimacy coordinators working on national and international productions.
Professional tools have been implemented in France:
- Hotline for victims of rape, sexual harassment, sexist or sexual violence in the live performance, audiovisual or film sector, in a professional environment, accessible to all artists and technicians.
- VHSS prevention kit for film and audiovisual professionals has been designed to help employees and employers who are victims or witnesses of gender-based violence or sexual harassment. It is free and available online.
- Audiovisual CCHSCT and CCHSCT Cinema (Central Committees on Hygiene, Safety and Working Conditions for the film and television industry) can be contacted to report any problem related to health and safety at work.