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As with all weapons, the possession and use of entertainment weapons are strictly regulated by the Homeland Security Code.

Definition of entertainment weapons by the Code of Homeland Security:

“Any firearm converted specifically for firing blank ammunition, including during theatrical performances, photo shoots, film shoots, television recordings, historical reenactments, parades, sporting events or training sessions, the characteristics of which preclude the firing or conversion for firing any projectile. The entertainment weapon remains classified in its original category, before its transformation.”

In accordance with article R 312-2 of the Code of Homeland Security, it is the production that is responsible for the proper use and conservation of the weapons during their rental period. As an employer, the production company will also have to take measures to protect the technical crew and artists.

Since 2016, the presence of an armourer holding specific authorizations, issued by the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of the Interior, required for the possession and transport of weapons is mandatory for the use of firearms during a shooting.

Obligations of the production company as en employer

  • Ensure that only weapons rented from a licensed gunsmith are used and that they do not allow the firing of projectiles.
  • To set up the framework and the means (cabinet/storage box…) necessary to secure the ammunition (inert or blank).
  • Ensure the daily inventory of weapons (handed over and returned to/by the actors and extras).
  • Provide protective equipment to all employees on the set.
  • Carry out a risk assessment with a Single Risk Assessment Document.
  • Ensure compliance with regulations related to the transport, storage and use of weapons.

Use, props and extras “Police Force”

  • Rented police vehicles must be transported to the filming location with the utmost discretion.
  • Actors in police uniforms must in all circumstances remain on set to avoid any confusion with the real police force.
  • Off the set, any logo or inscription of the police must be covered up.
  • Any sound effects related to police intervention (gunshots, whistles, etc.) are prohibited on the public highway and must be done in a studio.
  • Likewise, the use of horns and sirens is prohibited and must be reconstituted in the studio.

Reminder : Use of police personnel must be approved in advance by the police department. It is essential to obtain the authorization of the town hall for the shootings on the public road.

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